IIA-Australia Awards Spotlight on Freddy Beck PFIIA CIA CCSA

2023 Bob McDonald Award Recipient

Name: Freddy Beck PFIIA CIA CCSA

Professional role: Chief Audit Executive, Ipswich City Council

Award won: Chief Audit Executive, Ipswich City Council

How did you feel when you won the Award?

Firstly, surprised as it has never been my objective to receive an award. As a profession we don’t discuss much about what we do possibly due to the unknown nature of internal audit, however we largely achieve respect for what we deliver and achieve.

Secondly, very thankful that someone noticed and recognised what we were trying to achieve.

Thirdly, very humbling as I have had some great people that have helped me in my life to achieve what I have and this Award recognises them also.

What have you done since receiving the Award?

I continue with my normal busy life and working though I have tried to get my staff and family to bow when I enter the room, but with only minor success.

Has the Award provided any new opportunities or recognition with your peers, organisation?

I can proudly include my Award in my resume. In the future, I would like to serve on audit committees, which my organisation has supported as long as it does not create a conflict of interest. I have also been asked by the IIA New Zealand to present on my experience especially around the fraud and corruption aspects.

What do you love most about your job?

It is the chance to make a difference in society and for that reason internal audit has not shied away from difficult and controversial subjects. I very much like the challenge due to the diverse areas and topics we cover. We have had to delve into many subjects and to become knowledgeable very quickly, to stay on the front foot.

What do you like to do in your spare time? (non-work related)?

My wife and I have an acreage with a diversity of fruit trees, some flourishing with others struggling. We love the outdoors, camping, swimming in the ocean, bushwalking, and making items out of leather and other material from nature. We have two sons and three granddaughters, a border collie and two cats who also keep me busy. I love to study, read and have a big music collection.

What has been your biggest challenge in the past 12 months 

From a work perspective it is very advantageous being the auditor and then becoming the investigator if organisations do not follow good advice, which can become very confronting for all. What has been a challenge is managing those who don’t understand or appreciate your role to achieve effective outcomes.

What are your goals for the coming 12 months? 

Having a more subtle and integrated approach of providing guidance and solutions rather than pushing ideas and prodding especially as my organisation is emerging after a difficult few years.
