IIA-Australia Factsheet – Internal Auditor Under Pressure

This White Paper helps auditors effectively audit tender specifications and the criteria used for selecting the successful tenderer. These areas are critical to the tender process and are the two areas that most frequently contribute to tenders failing to achieve the desired outcomes, and resulting in a range of significant problems to the organisation.

IIA-Australia Factsheet – Ethics

This White Paper helps auditors effectively audit tender specifications and the criteria used for selecting the successful tenderer. These areas are critical to the tender process and are the two areas that most frequently contribute to tenders failing to achieve the desired outcomes, and resulting in a range of significant problems to the organisation.

IIA-Australia Factsheet – Conflicts of Interest

This White Paper helps auditors effectively audit tender specifications and the criteria used for selecting the successful tenderer. These areas are critical to the tender process and are the two areas that most frequently contribute to tenders failing to achieve the desired outcomes, and resulting in a range of significant problems to the organisation.

IIA-Australia Factsheet – Complaint Analysis 

This White Paper helps auditors effectively audit tender specifications and the criteria used for selecting the successful tenderer. These areas are critical to the tender process and are the two areas that most frequently contribute to tenders failing to achieve the desired outcomes, and resulting in a range of significant problems to the organisation.

IIA-Australia Factsheet – Compliance Management Systems

This White Paper helps auditors effectively audit tender specifications and the criteria used for selecting the successful tenderer. These areas are critical to the tender process and are the two areas that most frequently contribute to tenders failing to achieve the desired outcomes, and resulting in a range of significant problems to the organisation.

Auditing Risk Culture: A practical guide

The guide outlines several methodologies for a risk culture audit program, from a surface level assessment to a more comprehensive audit. In addition, this guide contains a Toolbox of risk culture audit techniques which should be of use to internal audit practitioners.

Managing Culture – A good practice guide

In this book, the Institute of Internal Auditors – Australia (IIA-Australia) in collaboration with The Ethics Centre, Chartered Accountants ANZ and the Governance Institute of Australia, have explored the foundational elements of a sound risk culture.