IIA-Australia Factsheet – Gifts and Benefits

IIA-Australia Factsheet – Gifts and Benefits Download Factsheet This is a members only resource. Please login to access.  Author IIA-Australia Date 2023 Topics Explored Risk Management Format Factsheet Extract/Description Gifts […]

IIA-Australia White Paper – Corruption Indicators in Internal Audit

This White Paper helps auditors effectively audit tender specifications and the criteria used for selecting the successful tenderer. These areas are critical to the tender process and are the two areas that most frequently contribute to tenders failing to achieve the desired outcomes, and resulting in a range of significant problems to the organisation.

IIA-Australia Factsheet – Tender Transparency

This White Paper helps auditors effectively audit tender specifications and the criteria used for selecting the successful tenderer. These areas are critical to the tender process and are the two areas that most frequently contribute to tenders failing to achieve the desired outcomes, and resulting in a range of significant problems to the organisation.

IIA-Australia White Paper – Procurement Integrity (Probity)

For public and shareholder trust, decisions must be made with probity. Probity means decisions are made with integrity, honesty and fairness in the pursuit of getting value-for-money. It is imperative tenders and procurements are and are seen to be transparent and accountable.