CPE Requirements for Professional Members

Professional Members

Continuing professional education is a requirement of Professional or Associate membership with the IIA-Australia. For Professional Members this is 80 hours over two years, with a minimum of 15 in any one year. For Associates it is 60 hours over two years, with a minimum of 15 in any one year.

Approved CPE Activties

Approved CPE activities include those offered by the IIA-Australia and other professional bodies. CPE is covered in the By-Laws of the IIA-Australia (By-law 209). Below is a summary of approved CPE activities (Please note proof of attendance not just registration is required).


  • Attendance at technical sessions of professional societies
  • Seminars and conferences
  • Formal in-house training programs
  • College or university courses passed, including the GradCertIA where 40 hours is allocated in the year of completion and 40 hours the following year
  • Professional programs, including IIA Global certifications
  • Formal correspondence programs

Please note: All Professional Members must complete a minimum of two CPE credit hours in the subject area of ethics as part of their overall annual CPE.


  • Books, up to 50 hours;
  • Articles, up to 25 hours;
  • Research papers, up to 25 hours.

Oral Presentations

  • First presentation, three times the length of the presentation, plus the presentation time;
  • Later presentation, the length of the presentation.


  • As an officer or committee member in a professional or industry organisation related to internal auditing, up to 10 hours per annum;

Quality Assurance Review

NOTE: Members who hold the designation CIA® or other IIA Global certifications are required to comply with CPE requirements established by IIA Inc.


To assist you in meeting your CPE requirements, please check out the below list of recorded ethics webinars and technical resources available from IIA-Australia.

 Email [email protected] if you have any problems accessing the recordings. Individuals are able to obtain ethics training from their employers, as well as other non-IIA related organisations.

Have a question about your CPE hours?

Lynette Mason Executive Officer E: [email protected] T: +61 2 9267 9155 Toll Free: 1800 236 366 (outside Sydney)